Toshere are two major ways that you advertise your business. The first is with traditional advertisings, signs being an important, if not vital, part of that. The second is through publicity. Involving yourself in your community and getting your name out there can be just as critical to a successful business as the right signage. Lucky for you, Indianapolis is always hosting events that provide opportunities for your business to get recognized in your community. And with the right types of signage, you’ll be sure to get the most out of these events. The right exposure will get you a long way and Schaefer Sign Works is happy to help you get out there.
An Example
Sponsoring or participating in local events is an awesome business practice. When you get involved with the people in your community, your community will help support your business. A good example of a great opportunity is the Cabrewing on the Canal event. During this event, people will be able to float down the Indiana Central Canal along the Indianapolis Canal Walk. This event is sponsored by several businesses, will be taking part in the event. Some will by providing food, drinks and entertainment during the float trip. Those who attend have the option of contributing a ten-dollar donation to support ongoing work on the canal.
The businesses involved in a summer even like this get plenty of recognition. People will try their products, becoming familiar with their services. Plus, they’ll bee having fun and contributing to a good cause. This will build an awesome rapport with the businesses and those participating. After the event the participants will, more than likely, seek out these businesses. If you have the opportunity to be a part of an event like this, jump at the opportunity.
A Killer Combination
When you combine a fun and memorable event with the right kinds of signs, you get exposure that is both positive and incredibly useful. You can use signs at an event to help build awareness of your brand. When people see the same branding at your brick and mortar location, it feels familiar. This helps build trust with your customers and helps build the association between your business and the fun that these individuals had at the event.
You can select from a number of event displays by Schaefer Sign Works or try to push your branding to the next level with some bigger, bolder signage. Either way, when you combine the right signs with an incredible experience you build loyalty and trust with new and return customers.