Politics are a touchy subject to be sure. But lawn signs for politicians don’t have to be. Make the most of this great way to increase your name awareness, and create a stellar campaign with this simple and effective form of signage. Read on to learn more about lawn signs.
The Basics
Lawn signs can be made of metal, wood or plastic. The metal signs are usually made of aluminum and are flexible yet sturdy. Wood is a more rustic and charming option for political lawn signs, but can be heavier and prone to water and insect damage. Plastic can be a good choice as well. Like aluminum, it’s strong but has a bit of give to it.
Choose the one that is best for your campaign’s message. Local politicians may want to go with wood to evoke small-town quaintness and respectability. On the other hand, an individual running for mayor of a medium-to-large city could choose a lawn sign with a metal frame for a sleek look.
Lawn Sign Colors
Your campaign may have a fancy design or color scheme, but maybe it is too much for a little sign. Try finding a color theme that will fit on a smaller lawn sign, yet is still noticeable. Red, white and blue are an obvious combination. Patriotism is always in, after all.
It is also important to remember that good dark-to-light contrast will help your constituents see whatever you have on your political lawn sign. Try a crisp white background with fetching red letters on it to catch your potential voters’ eyes.
Location is Everything
Maybe you’re a politician who is new to running a campaign, and you’re a little uncertain about where to put your lawn signs. Well, the first thing you should remember regarding signage location is that your sign should be easily visible from the side of the road. If citizens are stuck in traffic, they will be able to read your catchy slogan on your vibrant and compelling sign. This is a great way to get people to learn your name and what you stand for.
Another key aspect of signage location is the density or frequency of your political signs. It can be overkill to have one sign after another on the side of the road. On the other hand, you don’t want your signs to be sparse, or few and far between. Consistency is crucial here.
Get Your Perfect Political Lawn Sign
Now that you know the basics of political lawn signs, when you’re ready to order yours, give Schaefer Sign Works a quick call. We’re the helpful signage experts, so call now for a free quote.